Wishing Myself A Very Happy Birthday

Shivers run down my spine as I inch closer to finally having my own personal website. What better day to do it than on my birthday. Why do I want one? Well… This will not only serve as my portfolio website hosting most my technical projects but also a place for me to express myself to the strangers on the internet or to simply rant at the vast nothingness of the internet.

Why should you keep an eye on my Website? Well… You shouldn’t. I made this to simply flex a little to my classmates and hopefully have something good looking on my CV. Although I have plans of using this space to share projects and technical tutorials in the future I will most likely be taking a break now that this is finally working. If you are someone who knows me personally and want to read about my personal thoughts on various topics that I find interesting enough to write a complete blog post about then feel free to stick around and while you’re here drop me a message if you have written something and want me to put it on my website. Also here's a random quote that I like

Cleverness, he thinks, gets you nowhere; It is only the stupid, the brilliantly stupid, who will inherit the earth.
Ian McGuire

For the people reading this in the hopes of building something similar to this I might share a tutorial here when I find the time and motivation but till then feel free to fork my repository hosted on Github and make your own changes. Honestly speaking most of the credits for this website goes to the beautiful template Breezy CV that I have simply modified to my liking.

If you have made it this far then you must be really bored reading the personal blog of a simple engineering student but hey, thanks for sticking around and I hope you are doing well. Feel free to drop me a message using my website oh and also share it with your friends to show how cool I am :P